Every room or space in our office has a dedicated hospital grade HEPA 13 Air Filter that is running constantly. This level of filtration allows air turnover at a rate that far exceeds any current recommendations for indoor spaces.
We added UVC Sterilizing lights within our office venting system to further clean the air, as well as upgraded HEPA air filters for the whole office system.
All of our sterilization measures inactivate all Coronaviruses, including Covid19. Our staff have enhanced barrier protocols including N95 or Level 3 masks, face shields and gowns. We have acrylic barriers for our front desk team to protect both our team and our patients.
All patients, parents, team members and doctors are screened daily before entering the office. All patients answer a health questionnaire and everyone has their temperature taken and documented to verify they are healthy prior to coming inside. In compliance with city and state mandates, masks are required for everyone entering the building. Patients are requested to stay in their cars until informed it is time to come in the office.
If you have questions regarding these protocols and safety measures please reach out to Email: Dr. Eric Dixon